So Much Going on In Our Little Corner of the World!

Cartoon drawing of October flip calendar on green background

Calendar update

White "Road Closed" sign with black lettering in front of orange caution barrier

Construction Update

Now for the not-so-fun stuff… The intersection of Paradise Bay Road and Highway 104 (near the Hood Canal Bridge where most of you turn right to come to us) will be closed to all turns from October 23rd to approximately November 14th.  There is a detour in place that is not difficult to follow, but it will add about 10 minutes to your travel time to us.  We apologize for any inconvenience to our guests and are hoping they wrap the construction up a few days early!  Once this bit of construction is done, the intersection will be left “as is” until they return in March to finish the paving.  This video shows what it will look like when it’s all done – we can’t wait!

Female deer lying next to green and yellow aucuba plant that is covered with wire mesh cage
Young male deer lying in grass next to bamboo fence
Young female deer with very large ears staring at camera licking her lips

Deer Update

Back to the fun stuff!  The deer have been particularly active this month, and we have enjoyed watching their antics.  Momma deer (aka Peggy) is our latest social media “superstar” – we featured her for her “protest pose” next to our aucuba plant, where she will spend HOURS of her day.  She wants that plant sooooo much! 

We can’t call him Baby anymore – Bud is firmly in teenager territory now.  You can see his buttons (antler buds) easily, and this picture is his favorite hangout.  Little does he know this will become a Japanese rock garden… but hey, they like hanging out in the parking lot, so maybe that won’t bother him? 

Finally, we have Mangy (so named because her coat looked terrible when she first came to us!), back after an extended absence.  She is the friendliest of the three, and will come towards you when you talk to her – and just look at that face!

Male deer walking away from camera in the woods
Young male buck posed at edge of woods

But wait - there's more!

Mating season usually begins in November around here… but these two stags seem to be a little impatient.  Two different stags on two different days, and both were chasing Peggy AND Mangy.  It’s going to be an interesting season!

Sunrise over water with tree foliage visible on left side of photo
Early sunrise picture over water with early light but no sun visible
Sunrise over perfectly calm waters with red haze with two trees in foreground

Mother Nature on display!

Fall gives us some of the best sunrise displays of the year – and a late enough sunrise time that we can really enjoy them with our guests!  All of these were taken during October without any filters from our main deck with just an iPhone – and it’s SO much better in person!  Come and see for yourself!

11 Paradise View Lane

Port Ludlow, WA  98365

(360) 207-1909


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